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SuSE / Novell?

2 February 2006 21:50

If anybody working at Novell / SUSE is reading this and wishes to donate a free license key/username + password for SuSE Enterprise Server 9 that would be great!

This would make up for :

  • Failing to respond to a web-based feedback system for three days.
  • Failing to answer the telephone in the Edinburgh office for three days.
    • No answering machine either
  • Failing to respond to a message left on the answering machine of the Bracknell office for two days.
  • Failing to answer the UK-based email address, for two days.
  • Being told when contacting the USA office that we should contact the UK office.

I suspect that we'll be moving to RedHat in the futureā€¦

Other free stuff is always welcome too ;)

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