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Entries tagged skxmail

If there isn't a movie about it, it's not worth knowing, is it?

26 November 2008 21:50

So, I've just got a portable machine. I've configured it to be a pretty minimal installation of Debian Lenny, but one thing that makes me unhappy is mail handling.

By default it came with several exim4- packages. Now in general Exim4 rocks. But it is a deamon running all the time, and overhead I could live without.

I looked around to find a mail transport agent that would be more suited to the machine and was suprised to find nothing suitable.

Basically I figure the machine will never generate "real" emails. Instead it will only receive mails from cron, etc. The machine will never have a real fixed IP, and so relaying mail externally is a waste of time. The mail should just go somewhere predictable and local.

There are a couple of lightweight agents which will forward to another system, but nothing seems to exist which will queue mail locally only.

So I've hacked a simple script which will do the job.

Given the spool director /var/spool/skxmail the following command:

skxmail root < /etc/passwd

Produces this:

`-- root
    |-- cur
    |-- new
    |   `-- 1227702470.P8218M243303Q22.vain.my.flat
    `-- tmp

4 directories, 1 file

That seems to be sufficient for my needs. (I support the flag which says "read the receipient from the body).

Of course to do this properly I'd be setgid(mailgroup). Instead I assume that local means everybody can see it and /var/spool/skxmail is mode 777. Ooops.

Still happy to share if it sounds interesting.

ObFilm: Dogma



Humans don't drink blood.

16 May 2009 21:50

I've said it multiple times, but all mailing list managers suck. Especially mailman. (On that topic SELinux is nasty, Emacs is the one true editor, and people who wear furry boots are silly.)

Having setup some new domains I needed a mailing list manager, and had to re-evaluate the available options. Mostly I want something nice and simple, that doesn't mess around with character sets, that requires no fancy deamons, and has no built in archiving solution.

Really all we need is three basic operations:

  • Confirmed opt-in subscription.
  • Confirmed opt-out unsubscription.
  • Post to list.

Using pipes we can easily arrange for a script to be invoked for different options:

# Aliases for 'list-blah' mailing list.
^list-blah-subscribe$:   "|/sbin/skxlist --list=list-blah --domain=example.com --subscribe"
^list-blah-unsubscribe$: "|/sbin/skxlist --list=list-blah --domain=example.com --unsubscribe"
^list-blah$:             "|/sbin/skxlist --list=list-blah --domain=example.com --post"

The only remaining concerns are security related. The most obvious concern is that the script named will be launched by the mailserver user (Debian-exim in my case). That suggests that any files it creates (such as a list of email addresses - i.e. list members) will be owned by that user.

That can be avoided with setuid-fu and having the mailing list manager be compiled. But compiled code? When there are so many lovely Perl modules out there? No chance!

In conclusion, if you're happy for the exim user to own and be able to read the list data then you can use skxlist.

It is in live use, allows open lists, member-only lists, and admin-only lists. It will archive messages in a maildir, but they are ignored for you to use if you see fit.

List options are pretty minimal, but I do a fair amount of sanity checking and I see no weaknesses except for the use of the Debian-exim UID.

ObFilm: Blade