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Simple toy languages

22 June 2023 13:00

Recently I was looking around the internet and looking for something to do with some ESP8266 devices, which I've been neglecting over recent years.

When I was on paternity-leave, five years ago, I decided I wanted a new hobby for my "down" time. I had two obvious choices a) developing applications for mobiles, or b) working with "hardware". I chose the latter.

By accident I came across a couple of simple scripting languages, FORTH-esque. Sample usage looks something like this (which obviously sends the command over a serial-device to the connected-board):

$ echo '5{ 6d 1o 100m 0o 100m }' >/dev/cu.usbmodem12341

That's a little terse, but briefly:

  • 5{ ... }
    • Execute the block five times.
  • 6d
    • Set the output pin, in the example "D6".
  • 1o
    • Output "1" to the pin we've selected, D6 in this example.
  • 100m
    • Delay for 100 milliseconds.
  • 0o
    • Output "0" to the pin we've selected, D6 in this example.

The end result is a blinking LED, for five iterations anyway. The code for this interpreter is described in the following link, with the code in the linked gist:

This is derived from an older, and simpler, project which has a similar focus but slightly different built-in operations (and which lacks loops/conditionals):

Both of these implementations are very similar, I guess due to the shared history and obvious FORTH-inspiration. Each allows port I/O, delays, and simple math opertions. We can pretend they're stack-based, though there are some differences and some niggles.

I'm kinda tempted to port one of them to Z80 assembly, and see if I can get it running under CP/M. I guess I could add a REPL for interactive use, though without actual hardware connected to my single-board computer it might all feel a little pointless. Then again I have Turbo Pascal, and even a tiny C-compiler, so I guess with those in mind any toy-language is pointless in a completely different regard.

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