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Entries posted in August 2010

OepnBSD rocks. Until it doesn't.

9 August 2010 21:50

Recently I've been jumping upon the LDAP bandwagon, with one of my aims to consolidate a lot of different login systems.

Configuring Linux, Apache, OpenVPN and similar things to authenticate against an LDAP server was almost painless.

Unfortunately OpenBSD is being a bit more painful, primarily because it doesn't use PAM. Instead you have two choices:

  • Configure login to authenticate against a RADIUS server, telling that server to authenticate against a (remote) LDAP server.
  • Use login_ldap to do authentication, but fetch all things via YP.

Neither solution is particularly pleasant, but the former is marginally less effort. The downside? I still have to run "adduser" to add the user to the system - which makes me think "why did I bother in the first place?"

Otherwise I spent the tail end of last week in York, taking pictures of ducks, geese, the city walls and similar things of fun.

ObQuote: "Well, well I see we have visitors... " - Hot Fuzz



Sanity testing drives

12 August 2010 21:50

Recently I came across a situation where moving a lot of data around on a machine with a 3Ware RAID card ultimately killed the machine.

To test the hardware in advance for this requires a test of both:

  • The individual drives, which make up the RAID array
  • The filesystem which is layered upon the top of it.

The former can be done with badblocks, etc. The latter requires a simple tool to create a bunch of huge files with "random" contents, then later verify they have the contents you expected.

With that in mind:

dt --files=1000  --size=100M [--no-delete|--delete]


  • Creates, in turn, 1000 files.
  • Each created file will be 100Mb long.
  • Each created file will have random contents written to it, and be closed.
  • Once closed the file will be re-opened and the MD5sum computed
    • Both in my code and by calling /usr/bin/md5sum.
    • If these sums mis-match, indicating a data-error, we abort.
  • Otherwise we delete the file and move on.

Adding "--no-delete" and "--files=100000" allows you to continue testing until your drive is full and you've tested every part of the filesystem.

Trivial toy, or possibly useful to sanity-check a filesystem? You decide. Or just:

hg clone http://dt.repository.steve.org.uk/

(dt == disk test)

ObQuote: "Stand back boy! This calls for divine intervention! " - "Brain Dead"



As promised a new blogspam.net

18 August 2010 21:50

A while back I mentioned that I was going to be updating and overhauling the blogspam.net service. That process is now almost complete. A couple of nights ago I overhauled the website, and today I've finally committed my last (planned) change to the repository for the purposes of migration. I started reworking the code a week or so ago, but as of this evening the code in the repository is the code the server is actually running.

The previous codebase was functional but a little hasty - and was implemented before I switched to per-UID server-hosting - so there was a need to clean things up and make sure permissions and similar niggles were checked.

The new, modular, codebase requires no root access, and will store all state (logs & transient caches) in a clean extensible fashion. The code is also much more flexible making use of Module::Pluggable rather than Class::Pluggable. This allowed me to overhaul the API of the plugins (primarily to add an expire method such that each plugin has a well-defined means to expire any state they may maintain). Module::Pluggable is a great module - allows me to treat plugins as first class objects, which wasn't the case with C::P.

Since all the code behind the service is Perl it is also now available on CPAN in addition to the mercurial repository where it is developed..

I see that the server is getting pretty popular these days, used by the likes of embedders.org, publiclive.com, & etc. It doesn't hurt that ikiwiki, identi.ca, and other people include support in their distributions these days. Me? I mostly use it on debian-administration.org where it does a great job.

ObQuote: What's the name of that thing that if I eat it real fast, it's free? - Whip It.



You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike

19 August 2010 21:50

Debian package building scripts consist of several inter-related tools, which are documented well with manpages, but not in the code itself.

Should you have some free time I urge you to take a peak at the source code of dpkg-buildpackage, debsign, and debuild. They work. They work well, but they're not shining examples of clear code are they?

Given that they work, and that they are complex I'm not sure I'm interested in improving things, but I do have a personal desire to run something like:

debuild -sa --output=/tmp/results/

What would that do? Instead of placing the resulting package in the parent directory, which is what we have by default, it would place them in the named directory.

However looking over the code I see that there are too many places where "../$file" is hardwired. e.g. Take a look at dpkg-buildpackage and you see:

my $chg = "../$pva.changes";
open OUT, '>', $chg or syserr(_g('write changes file'));

If you change that to the simple code below it works - but suddenly debsign fails to find the file:

my $dir = $ENV{'OUTPUT'} || "..";
my $chg = $dir . "/" . $pva . ".changes";


I guess I can come up with some hack to index files in the parent, run a build process, and move the only new files into place. But that's sleazy at best, and still doesn't solve the problem that we have tools which we rely upon which are .. unfriendly to changes.

I thought I could handle this via:

debuild \
 --post-dpkg-buildpackage-hook="move-changes-contents /tmp/output/ ../%p_%v_`dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH`.changes" \
 --no-tgz-check -sa -us -uc

(Here "move-changes-contents" would read the given .changes file and move both it and the contents listed in it to the specified directory.)

Unfortunately %v corresponds to the package version - which isn't the same as the version in the .changes filename. (i.e. epochs are stripped out.)

ObQuote: I am the servant of the power behind the Nothing - The Neverending Story.



Proxies and Robots

29 August 2010 21:50

I don't like repeating myself, but I'm very tempted to past my mini-review of the Roomba Vacuum Cleaner robot into this blog.

Instead I will practise restraint and summerise:

  • It works. It works well.
  • It is a little noisy, but despite this it is great fun to watch.
  • It takes a long time to clean a few rooms, due to the "random walk" it performs. Despite this it is still fun to watch and actually useful.
  • Have I mentioned I grin like a child when it doesn't crash into things, and hums away past me on the floor?

£250. Worth. Every. Penny.

In more Debian-friendly news I've been fighting HTTP proxies today. I've noticed a lot of visitors to the various websites I host are logged as - which is an irritation. My personal machine looks like this:

Internet -> Apache listening on *:80 -> thttpd on

(This has been documented previously - primarily it is a security restriction. It means I can run per-UID web-servers.)

I had previous added a patch to thttpd to honour the X-Forwarded-For: header - so that it would receive the correct remote address passed on from Apache. However the fact that so many visitors are logged as coming from meant it wasn't working 100% correctly, and I wanted to understand why.

Today I used ngrep to capture the incoming headers and the source of the problem became apparent:

skx:~# ngrep  -d lo  X-For ' port 1007'
T -> [AP]
  GET /about/ HTTP/1.1..Host: images.steve.org.uk..If-Modified-Since: Mon, 07
   Jun 2010 15:24:33 GMT..User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-U
  S; rv: Gecko/20100701 Iceweasel/3.5.10 (like Firefox/3.5.10)..Acce
  pt: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8..Accept
  -Language: en-us,en;q=0.5..Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate..Accept-Charset: I
  SO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7..Referer: http://images.steve.org.uk/2009/11/
  max-age=0..X-Forwarded-Host: images.steve.org.uk..X-Forwarded-Server: image
  s.steve.org.uk..Connection: Keep-Alive....

I bolded the important input; just in case that didn't jump out it was:


My patch to thttpd was making it read the first address, rather than the second - which meant that requests were being logged as coming from and avoiding my efforts to track sources.

Now I understand the problem - The X-Forwarded-Host header is being tweaked by a proxy server, such as Squid, upstream of my server.

For the moment I've updated the thttpd patch to read:

        else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "X-Forwarded-For:", 16 ) == 0 )
          { char *tmp = NULL;

            /* Jump to the header-value  */
            cp = &buf[16];
            cp += strspn( cp, " \t" );

             * If the first change is a, then we'll
             * jump over it.  Cope with Squid, et al.
            if (  ( tmp = strstr( cp, ", " ) ) != NULL )
              cp = tmp + strlen( ", " );

            /* Parse the IP */
           inet_aton( cp, &(hc->client_addr.sa_in.sin_addr) );

That's not perfect, but the alternative would be:

  • Install a patched version of libapache2-mod-rpaf to add a X-HONEST-REMOTE-IP
  • Update thttpd to use that header.

Or something equally hacky and security-by-obscurity-alike.

Really I just want a simple way of always getting the correct remote IP. Shouldn't be so hard, should it? *pout*.

ObQuote: "You don't mess with fate, Peanut. People die when they are meant to die. There's no discussion. There's no negotiation. When life's done, it's done." - Dead Like Me.



jQuery in use upon this blog

30 August 2010 21:50

Blog Update

I've just updated the home-grown javascript I was using upon this blog to be jQuery powered.

This post is a test.

I'll need to check but I believe I'm almost 100% jQuery-powered now.

AJAX Proxies

It is a well-known fact that AJAX requests are only allowed to be made to the server the javascript was loaded from. The so-called same-origin security restriction.

To pull content from other sites users are often encouraged to write a simple proxy:

  • http://example.com/ serves Javascript & HTML.
  • http://example.com/proxy/http://example.com allows arbitrary fetching.

Simples? No. Too many people write simple proxies which use PHP's curl function, or something similar, with little restriction on either the protocol or the destination of the requested resource.

Consider the following requests:

  • http://example.com/proxy.php?url=/etc/passwd
  • http://example.com/proxy.php?url=file:///etc/passwd

If you're using some form of Javascript/AJAX proxy make sure you test for this. (ObRandom: Searching google for inurl:"proxy.php?url=http:" shows this is a real problem. l33t.)

ObQuote: "You're asking me out? That's so cute! What's your name again? " - 10 things I hate about you.

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