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The CP/M emulator is working well

25 May 2024 12:00

In my recent posts I've talked about implementing BDOS and BIOS syscalls for my cp/m emulator. I've now implemented enough of the calls that I can run many of the standard binaries:

  • The Aztech C Compiler
  • Microsoft BASIC
  • Turbo Pascal
  • Wordstar
  • etc

Of course I've not implemented all the syscalls, so the emulation isn't 100% perfect and many binaries won't run. But I sent myself on a detour by implementing extra syscalls, custom syscalls.

Traditionally CP/M systems are "rebooted" by pressing Ctrl-C at the CCP prompt. I thought that was something I'd press by accident so I implemented the restart behaviour only when the user pressed Ctrl-C twice in a row. But then I added a custom syscall that lets you change hte value:

The Ctrl-C count is currently set to 2
A>ctrlc 1
The Ctrl-C count is currently set to 1

So you can now change the value at runtime. Similarly there is support for switching CCP at runtime, and even changing the default output-device from ADM-3A to ANSI, or vice-versa. It's kinda neat to make these kind of extensions, and happily the traditional BIOS has two syscalls reserved for custom use so I just used one of those.

I've added support for testing whether a binary is running under my emulator, or not, using a custom syscall. So I can run:

This binary is running under cpmulator:

cpmulator unreleased

On another emulator I see this:

Illegal BIOS call 31
No, this binary is not running under cpmulator.

Anyway I'm happy with the current state of things, and I fixed a couple of bugs which means I now have support for SUBMIT.COM which is a real time-saver.

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