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Entries posted in June 2018

A brief metric-update, and notes on golang-specific metrics

2 June 2018 12:01

My previous post briefly described the setup of system-metric collection. (At least the server-side setup required to receive the metrics submitted by various clients.)

When it came to the clients I was complaining that collectd was too heavyweight, as installing it pulled in a ton of packages. A kind twitter user pointed out that you can get most of the stuff you need via the use of the of collectd-core package:

 # apt-get install collectd-core

I guess I should have known that! So for the moment that's what I'm using to submit metrics from my hosts. In the future I will spend more time investigating telegraf, and other "modern" solutions.

Still with collectd-core installed we've got the host-system metrics pretty well covered. Some other things I've put together also support metric-submission, so that's good.

I hacked up a quick package for automatically submitting metrics to a remote server, specifically for golang applications. To use it simply add an import to your golang application:

  import (
    _ "github.com/skx/golang-metrics"

Add the import, and rebuild your application and that's it! Configuration is carried out solely via environmental variables, and the only one you need to specify is the end-point for your metrics host:

$ METRICS=metrics.example.com:2003 ./foo

Now your application will be running as usual and will also be submitting metrics to your central host every 10 seconds or so. Metrics include the number of running goroutines, application-uptime, and memory/cpu stats.

I've added a JSON-file to import as a grafana dashboard, and you can see an example of what it looks like there too:

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Monkeying around with intepreters

16 June 2018 14:01

Recently I've had an overwhelming desire to write a BASIC intepreter. I can't think why, but the idea popped into my mind, and wouldn't go away.

So I challenged myself to spend the weekend looking at it.

Writing an intepreter is pretty well-understood problem:

  • Parse the input into tokens, such as "LET", "GOTO", "INT:3"
    • This is called lexical analysis / lexing.
  • Taking those tokens and building an abstract syntax tree.
    • The AST
  • Walking the tree, evaluating as you go.
    • Hey ho.

Of course BASIC is annoying because a program is prefixed by line-numbers, for example:

 20 GOTO 10

The naive way of approaching this is to repeat the whole process for each line. So a program would consist of an array of input-strings each line being treated independently.

Anyway reminding myself of all this fun took a few hours, and during the course of that time I came across Writing an intepreter in Go which seems to be well-regarded. The book walks you through creating an interpreter for a language called "Monkey".

I found a bunch of implementations, which were nice and clean. So to give myself something to do I started by adding a new built-in function rnd(). Then I tested this:

let r = 0;
let c = 0;

for( r != 50 ) {
   let r = rnd();
   let c = c + 1;

puts "It took ";
puts c;
puts " attempts to find a random-number equalling 50!";

Unfortunately this crashed. It crashed inside the body of the loop, and it seemed that the projects I looked at each handled the let statement in a slightly-odd way - the statement wouldn't return a value, and would instead fall-through a case statement, hitting the next implementation.

For example in monkey-intepreter we see that happen in this section. (Notice how there's no return after the env.Set call?)

So I reported this as a meta-bug to the book author. It might be the master source is wrong, or might be that the unrelated individuals all made the same error - meaning the text is unclear.

Anyway the end result is I have a language, in go, that I think I understand and have been able to modify. Now I'll have to find some time to go back to BASIC-work.

I found a bunch of basic-intepreters, including ubasic, but unfortunately almost all of them were missing many many features - such as implementing operations like RND(), ABS(), COS().

Perhaps room for another interpreter after all!



Monkeying around with intepreters - Result

18 June 2018 12:01

So I challenged myself to writing a BASIC intepreter over the weekend, unfortunately I did not succeed.

What I did was take an existing monkey-repl and extend it with a series of changes to make sure that I understood all the various parts of the intepreter design.

Initially I was just making basic changes:

  • Added support for single-line comments.
    • For example "// This is a comment".
  • Added support for multi-line comments.
    • For example "/* This is a multi-line comment */".
  • Expand \n and \t in strings.
  • Allow the index operation to be applied to strings.
    • For example "Steve Kemp"[0] would result in S.
  • Added a type function.
    • For example "type(3.13)" would return "float".
    • For example "type(3)" would return "integer".
    • For example "type("Moi")" would return "string".

Once I did that I overhauled the built-in functions, allowing callers to register golang functions to make them available to their monkey-scripts. Using this I wrote a simple "standard library" with some simple math, string, and file I/O functions.

The end result was that I could read files, line-by-line, or even just return an array of the lines in a file:

 // "wc -l /etc/passwd" - sorta
 let lines = file.lines( "/etc/passwd" );
 if ( lines ) {
    puts( "Read ", len(lines), " lines\n" )

Adding file I/O was pretty neat, although I only did reading. Handling looping over a file-contents is a little verbose:

 // wc -c /etc/passwd, sorta.
 let handle = file.open("/etc/passwd");
 if ( handle < 0 ) {
   puts( "Failed to open file" )

 let c = 0;       // count of characters
 let run = true;  // still reading?

 for( run == true ) {

    let r = read(handle);
    let l = len(r);
    if ( l > 0 ) {
        let c = c + l;
    else {
        let run = false;

 puts( "Read " , c, " characters from file.\n" );

This morning I added some code to interpolate hash-values into a string:

 // Hash we'll interpolate from
 let data = { "Name":"Steve", "Contact":"+358449...", "Age": 41 };

 // Expand the string using that hash
 let out = string.interpolate( "My name is ${Name}, I am ${Age}", data );

 // Show it worked
 puts(out + "\n");

Finally I added some type-conversions, allowing strings/floats to be converted to integers, and allowing other value to be changed to strings. With the addition of a math.random function we then got:

 // math.random() returns a float between 0 and 1.
 let rand = math.random();

 // modify to make it from 1-10 & show it
 let val = int( rand * 10 ) + 1 ;
 puts( "math.random() -> ", val , "\n");

The only other signification change was the addition of a new form of function definition. Rather than defining functions like this:

 let hello = fn() { puts( "Hello, world\n" ) };

I updated things so that you could also define a function like this:

 function hello() { puts( "Hello, world\n" ) };

(The old form still works, but this is "clearer" in my eyes.)

Maybe next weekend I'll try some more BASIC work, though for the moment I think my monkeying around is done. The world doesn't need another scripting language, and as I mentioned there are a bunch of implementations of this around.

The new structure I made makes adding a real set of standard-libraries simple, and you could embed the project, but I'm struggling to think of why you would want to. (Though I guess you could pretend you're embedding something more stable than anko and not everybody loves javascript as a golang extension language.)

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Hosted monitoring

26 June 2018 19:01

I don't run hosted monitoring as a service, I just happen to do some monitoring for a few (local) people, in exchange for money.

Setting up some new tests today I realised my monitoring software had an embarassingly bad bug:

  • The IMAP probe would connect to an IMAP/IMAPS server.
  • Optionally it would login with a username & password.
    • Thus it could test the service was functional

Unfortunately the IMAP probe would never logout after determining success/failure, which would lead to errors from the remote host after a few consecutive runs:

 dovecot: imap-login: Maximum number of connections from user+IP exceeded

Oops. Anyway that bug was fixed promptly once it manifested itself, and it also gained the ability to validate SMTP authentication as a result of a customer user-request.

Otherwise I think things have been mixed recently:

  • I updated the webserver of Charlie Stross
  • Did more geekery with hardware.
  • Had a fun time in a sauna, on a boat.
  • Reported yet another security issue in an online PDF generator/converter
    • If you read a remote URL and convert the contents to PDF then be damn sure you don't let people submit file:///etc/passwd.
    • I've talked about this previously.
  • Made plaited bread for the first time.
    • It didn't suck.

(Hosted monitoring is interesting; many people will give you ping/HTTP-fetch monitoring. If you want to remotely test your email service? Far far far fewer options. I guess firewalls get involved if you're testing self-hosted services, rather than cloud-based stuff. But still an interesting niche. Feel free to tell me your budget ;)

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