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Hold out your delicate hands and feel me.

27 September 2006 21:50

I've given notice that I'm unavailable for Debian work for the next while.

Once I'm fully settled I will concentrate soley on doing Debian Auditing, and security team work.

With that in mind I hereby give notice that all my packages are up for adoption.

I have not filed "O" bugs, but if people wish to claim things by posting here thats fine by me. Preference to Radu for xen-tools (since he has CVS access and did a great job previously), otherwise anybody with the time is welcome. I'm upstream of several packages, but I don't think I'm hard to deal with …. ;)

Anything not claimed by the time I catch up will be Orphaned.

Apologies for feeding the "announcement by blog, not by mail" fire.

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