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Soon it will be time for something different

17 August 2013 21:50

This weekend I'm mostly alternating between reading, writing, and trying to avoid death by the plague.[*]

I've switched Lumail to using a UTF-8 aware string library, which means we can now handle the obvious case:

-- Prove keybindings work.
keymap['global']['π'] = 'msg("UTF-8 rocks!")'

Similarly we can stuff input into the buffer:

-- Pretend the user typed ":msg ...\n"
stuff( ":msg('π is pie')\n" );

This transition was annoying to handle, but wasn't too difficult. There is only one more major update required, according to the development roadmap, which is to double check that UTF-8 output is correct.

Otherwise I think I'm almost done. In the sense that I don't see anything obvious missing, barring things that won't ever happen such as mutt-style "tag" support.

I've updated the online examples to include some nice code:

I can't claim to have many users, so far the development has been carried out by myself and approximately four other people. But that matters not. I genuinely believe this is a good client and it really suits the way that I handle (large volumes of) email:

  • Show folders with unread mail.
  • Quickly read it.

Allowing you to open multiple folders at once means you get a great view into your currently-unread mail, regardless of where procmail has placed it.

The overriding feeling having "completed" the client is that Lua rocks. I'm torn between wanting to sleep some more, and wondering what other system/package/tool can be extended by Lua. As epiphanies go my on_idle() update takes some beating.

* - I do not have the black death, but I'm not well.



Comments on this entry

icon dhardy at 16:36 on 19 August 2013

Correction: π is pi.

No, I'm not using lumail. I've stuck with kmail as the front-end, despite the bugs. Definitely need to sort out the back-end once I have suitable hardware (plan is mail server with archiving via IMAP).

icon Steve Kemp at 16:41 on 19 August 2013

That's a very deliberate mistake, as per the classic: