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A change of direction ..

9 March 2018 13:00

In my previous post I talked about how our child-care works here in wintery Finland, and suggested there might be a change in the near future.

So here is the predictable update; I've resigned from my job and I'm going to be taking over childcare/daycare. Ideally this will last indefinitely, but it is definitely going to continue until November. (Which is the earliest any child could be moved into public day-care if there problems.)

I've loved my job, twice, but even though it makes me happy (in a way that several other positions didn't) there is no comparison. Child-care makes me happier-still. Sure there are days when your child just wants to scream, refuse to eat, and nothing works. But on average everything is awesome.

It's a hard decision, a "brave" decision too apparently (which I read negatively!), but also an easy one to make.

It'll be hard. I'll have no free time from 7AM-5PM, except during nap-time (11AM-1PM, give or take). But it will be worth it.

And who knows, maybe I'll even get to rant at people who ask "Where's his mother?" I live for those moments. Truly.



Comments on this entry

icon chris at 11:36 on 9 March 2018

Yes! I was able to do this only for 1 day a week but after nearly 4 years of it, most of my best memories are from those days. Sure you won't regret it.

icon Jonathan at 14:27 on 9 March 2018

Wow, that's brave — I wish you the best of luck!

icon Jan at 10:43 on 14 March 2018

+1 Have fun! And go for the rants :-)

icon Efraim at 15:17 on 15 March 2018

I am currently a stay at home dad and my wife goes out to work. I sometimes talk about conversations I've had with 'the other mommies' and when my kids ask for mom instead of dad I'll answer 'yes?' in a falsetto voice, since it amuses me (not so much my 6yo). Most of the issues I run into are older ladies assuming my wife baked the cookies or knows when my son last ate (during the middle of the day while she's at work). And of course the militant mommies manning the WhatsApp group who happily invite my wife to the school group but won't add me even when asked.