Yesterday I took a diversion from thinking about my upcoming cache project, largely because I took some pictures inside my house, and realized my offsite backup was getting full.
I have three levels of backups:
- Home stuff on my desktop is replicated to my wifes desktop, and vice-versa.
- A simple server running rsync (content-free
- A "peering" arrangement of a small group of friends. Each of us makes available a small amount of space and we copy to-from each others shares, via rsync / scp as appropriate.
Unfortunately my rsync-based personal server is getting a little too full, and will certainly be full by next year. S3 is pricy, and I don't trust the "unlimited" storage people (backblaze,etc) to be sustainable and reliable long-term.
The pricing on Google-drive seems appealing, but I guess I'm loathe to share more data with Google. Perhaps I could dedicated a single "[email protected]" login to that, separate from all-else.
So the diversion came along when I looked for Amazon S3-comptible, self-hosted, servers. There are a few, most of them are PHP-based, or similarly icky.
So far cloudfoundry's vlob looks the most interesting, but the main project seems stalled/dead. Sadly using s3cmd to upload files failed, but certainly the `curl` based API works as expected.
I looked at Gluster, CEPH, and similar, but didn't yet come up with a decent plan for handling offsite storage, but I know I have only six months or so before the need becomes pressing. I imagine the plan has to be using N-small servers with local storage, rather than 1-Large server, purely because pricing is going to be better that way.
Decisions decisions.
Tags: s3 13 comments
HP Microserver and 8TB worth of disks might be suitable and small enough to carry around.