Over the weekend there was the Edinburgh debconf meetup, which went pretty well. Due to unfortunate timing I wasn't around as much as I should have been, so I'll not actually mention anything which was discussed; mostly because I don't want to hear that I was wrong and that dicussions moved ahead to contrary decisions after I left!
I had to leave early on Friday evening due to my girlfriend coming back from a camping trip and falling asleep on the sofa of the pub. (Shes been away for three months, with only a week visit in the middle; so it was a long absense.)
I also left early on the Saturday because we had booked a meal at a posh restaurant a month or two previously - to celebrate an anniversary - and that couldn't be avoided.
Still it was lovely to see the people who came, and I'm looking forward to meeting them and others again in the future.
If you're ever Leith Fishers Restaurant is beautifully located and full of amazing food. Ironically it is a fish restaurant and because I don't eat that at all I ordered the only two non-fish based dishes, but both were utterly divine.
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