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Entries posted in April 2011

A couple of small tweaks

3 April 2011 21:50

Today I made a couple of small tweaks to my systems. First of all I updated my email handling to allow further restrictions to be applied to incoming mail.

Generally the way I handle incoming mail is to first of all test the recipient, then apply spam checks. To allow mail for a new localpart to be received I'll run this:

cd /srv/example.com/users/valid
touch localpart

The result of the file /srv/example.com/users/valid/localpart existing is that mail is accepted for [email protected].

As of today that still works - any file beneath users/valid allows the appropriate localpart to receive email. But now a directory indicates an ACL. So I can create:

rm    /srv/example.com/users/valid/root
mkdir /srv/example.com/users/valid/root/
touch /srv/example.com/users/valid/root/
touch /srv/example.com/users/valid/root/

Now only the named IP addresses may mail [email protected].

Finally I updated the proxy which is handling incoming access to my websites, so that I actually take advantage of the regular expression support.

    '(xen-hosting.net|www.xen-hosting.net)': {
        'rules': {
            '^/': 'http://kvm-hosting.org/'

    '(xen-hosting.org|www.xen-hosting.org)': {
        'rules': {
            '^/': 'http://kvm-hosting.org/'

Using regular expressions meant that I didn't have seperate matches for xen-hosting.org and www.xen-hosting.org. (Obviously I could have combined all four hosts into one regexp, but it looks cleaner this way.)

ObQuote: "Nobody likes a perky goth" - Blood Ties.

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IPv6 and thttpd

8 April 2011 21:50

thttpd is a simple, small, portable, fast, and secure HTTP server which supports both IPv4 & IPv6.

However one noticable omission in the handling of requests for thttpd is support for the X-Forwarded-For header - which is even noted upo nthe thttpd wikipedia entry.

There is a simple patch floating around which claims to fix this; but as I belatedly noticed tonight it only works for IPv4.

If you look at libhttpd.h of the thttpd source you'll see this:

typedef union {
    struct sockaddr sa;
    struct sockaddr_in sa_in;
#ifdef USE_IPV6
    struct sockaddr_in6 sa_in6;
    struct sockaddr_storage sa_stor;
#endif /* USE_IPV6 */
    } httpd_sockaddr;

As a quick hack I updated this structure to add the following member:

    char real_ip[200];

Now I could update that member when a client connects and later update it as a result of any X-Forwarded-For: headers which might be present in incoming requests. Finally I updated the logging to use this field rather than anything else and the job was complete.

Without this work if you're running as a proxy and you receive an IPv6 connection you'll see it reported as

I'm sure my approach isn't as clean as it could be - due to the extra member- but it will suffice for now.

ObQuote: "This gun you're holding belonged to your father; he could conduct a symphony orchestra with it. " - Wanted



So I finally succumbed and joined twitter.

20 April 2011 21:50

So I've succumbed and joined twitter. I'm pretending I'm a photographer, rather than a techie/geeky/random person, whether that persists is anybodys guess.

At the very least I don't feel any real need to write/post/ask about Linux, development, or similar. I can do that here or elsewhere. (Not least because length-restrictions are annoying; yes it is true. Size is important.)

So far I've been posting semi-random pictures, I guess that is one way to pass the time, while I play with my camera.

ObQuote: "Please, please, please drive faster!" - Wanted.

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Goodbye, world.

29 April 2011 21:50

Today I resigned from the Debian project. The following packages are up for adoption:

I'll remove myself from Planet Debian tomorrow, assuming the keyring revokation isn't swift and merciless.

ObQuote: This space is intentionally blank.