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Entries posted in July 2012

Misc update.

8 July 2012 21:50

I got a few emails about the status panel I'd both toyed with and posted. The end result is that the live load graphs now have documentation, look prettier, and contain a link to the source code.

Apart from that this week has mostly involved photographing cute cats, hairy dogs, and women in corsets.

In Debian-related news njam: Insecure usage of environmental variable was closed after about 7 months, and I reported a failure of omega-rpg to drop group(games) privileges prior to saving game-state. That leads to things like this:

skx@precious:~$ ls -l | grep games
-rw-r--r--   1 skx games   14506 Jul  8 15:20 Omega1000

Not the end of the world, but it does mean you can write to directories owned by root.games, and potentially over-write level/high-score files in other packages leading to compromises.

ObQuote: "Your suffering will be legendary, even in hell! " - Hellraiser II (Did you know there were eight HellRaiser sequels?)

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Another day, another upgrade

22 July 2012 21:50

Tonight I upgraded my personal machine to run the recently released 3.5[.0] kernel.

On my personal machine(s) I'm usually loathe to change a running kernel, but this one was a good step forward because it allows me to experiment with seccomp filters.

I've tested the trivial "no new privileges" pctl and I followed along with the nice seccomp tutorial which gave me simple working code which I married to my javascript interpreter.

On top of that I upgraded node.js, which meant I had to clean up a little depreciated code in my node reverse proxy - which is the public face of the websites I run upon my box. (The proxy tunnels to about 10 different thttpd instances, each running upon

Happily however my weekend was not full of code, it was brightened by the opportunity to take pictures of Aurora and her long hair - more to come as I've still got about 350 images to wade through..

ObQuote: "Don't you think I make a remarkable queen? " - St. Trinian's (2007)

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I will be awesome, eventually.

28 July 2012 21:50

Earlier this year, in March, I switched to the bluetile tiling window, and it has been a great success.

So I was interested in seeing Vincent Bernats post about switching to Awesome, I myself intend to do that "eventually", now I've successfully dipped my toes into tiling-land, via bluetiles simple config and gnome-friendly setup.

One thing that puts me off is the length of my sessions:

skx@precious:~/hg/blog$ ps -ef | grep skx
skx       2237     1  0 Mar12 ?        00:00:01 /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon ...

As you can see I've been logged into my desktop session for four months. I lock the screen when I wander away, but generally login once when the computer boots and never again for half a year or so. FWIW:

skx@precious:~/hg/blog$ uptime
 23:01:19 up 138 days,  4:44,  4 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.06, 0.02

ObQuote: "I'm 30 years old. I'm almost a grown man. " - Rocketman

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