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Entries tagged window managers

I will be awesome, eventually.

28 July 2012 21:50

Earlier this year, in March, I switched to the bluetile tiling window, and it has been a great success.

So I was interested in seeing Vincent Bernats post about switching to Awesome, I myself intend to do that "eventually", now I've successfully dipped my toes into tiling-land, via bluetiles simple config and gnome-friendly setup.

One thing that puts me off is the length of my sessions:

skx@precious:~/hg/blog$ ps -ef | grep skx
skx       2237     1  0 Mar12 ?        00:00:01 /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon ...

As you can see I've been logged into my desktop session for four months. I lock the screen when I wander away, but generally login once when the computer boots and never again for half a year or so. FWIW:

skx@precious:~/hg/blog$ uptime
 23:01:19 up 138 days,  4:44,  4 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.06, 0.02

ObQuote: "I'm 30 years old. I'm almost a grown man. " - Rocketman

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