Recently the topic of spam on the Debian lists was revisited. I laugh at somebody who recieves 200 spam messages a day.
Here's my stats for yesterday:
Total Mails : 6399 Total SPAM : 6077 Total Accepted : 322 Spam Percentage: 94.97%
That's 6077 mails rejected at SMTP time via my filters, and only 322 mails accepted.
The breakdown of the spam rejected looks like this:
Plugin Count
dnsbl 3755
hosts_allow 724
greylisting 661
check_earlytalker 303
check_spamhelo 238
require_resolvable_fromhost 219
virus::clamav 79
check_badrcptto 75
check_badmailfrom 23
Tags: anti-spam, anti-virus, spam No comments