Recently I wanted to cleanup my "main" remote machine. It is a system I've had for many years, which started off as a i386 KVM-guest and was later migrated in place to an AMD64 installation.
These days the host runs:
- Mail for many domains, via QPSMTPD and ms-lite.
- Website hosting for many domains. Each site running under a dedicated per-UID thttpd instance, behind a node reverse proxy.
- IRC for kirsi.
The plan was originally to move the "mail stuff" to a new (wheezy) guest. I aborted that after discovering that the mutt-patched package has (IMHO) regressed.
So today I spun up a new virtual machine, and configured it to host websites.
Thus far I've migrated, and to the new host. Both simple sites that are built via my static-site-generator. Migration mostly involved configuring the proxy and the thttpd instances - then using rsync to migrate the content.
I've renamed my current host, which was previously and is now, and pushed DNS changes.
If all is smooth and happy I'll slowly migrate the rest of the sites. Fingers crossed this will be painless and I'll have a clean split between "login + mail" and "websites".
Tags: lumail, node-reverse-proxy, thttpd 3 comments
Hey Steve, have you settled with GNOME 3? I'm interested to know about your desktop setup!