So previously I talked about pictures. Having spent a while playing with some new lighting ideas I'll present three recent images:
Now that's out of the way lets talk software. There are two specific things I think would be useful to me right now:
- Opportunistic "cron"
I've got a few jobs that don't take long to run, and I schedule for once a day when my systems are idle.
It'd be nice to have some long-running daemon which could trigger these odd-jobs (which do things like update my list of mutt mailboxes) when the system has been idle for >30 minutes, or some similar criterion.
Ideally I'd say "Run this job when the system is idle, but if the system is never idle run it once a day, or once an hour regardless".
- Content-aware tracking software
I use rsync to archive images across a number of systems.
Imagine I rename a few images locally, I have to re-rsync even though ideally all I need to do is rename the contents remotely. The issue is remembering what I've changed.
So given:
~/Images/Stolen-Souls/2011.02/ ~/Images/Stolen-Souls/2011.02/02-Borcsa ~/Images/Stolen-Souls/2011.02/02-Camilla ~/Images/Stolen-Souls/2011.02/06-Indigo ~/Images/Stolen-Souls/2011.02/07-Rosa
If I rename "06-Indigo" then it's trivial to ssh to the remote host and do the same job. But what if I rename a bunch of individual files?
Ideally I'd be able to run something like:
~$ tool --snapshot ~/Images/ ~$ mv Images/old.jpg Images/new.jpg ~$ tool --show-changes ~/Images mv Images/old.jpg Images/new.jpg
I half believe git can do something like this, but it seems like you should be able to index the filename+SHA1+size to ~/.snapshot, then later do the same thing and output a list of "mv" commands.
Anyway; I'm drunk. I'm probably not making sense, and I need to sleep. Goodnight.
ObQuote: "Hello Mr. Svenning how have you been?" - Mallrats
I would assume that »rsync --fuzzy« does something at least similiar to what you want to achieve with ‘content-aware tracking software’, however, I doubt that it’ll work fine with large/widespread directories and never tested it myself.