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So helpless against what is coming.

14 April 2008 13:04

I've made a new release of the chronicle blog compiler.

There are a couple of minor changes to the variables exported to the theme templates, as contributed by MJ Ray, and a new spooling system.

This works in a simple fashion, and allows you to queue up posts. For example If you write a new entry containing the psuedo-header "Publish: 20th April 2008" and you have a crontab entry containing this:

    --spool-dir=~/blog/spool/  \
    --live-dir=~/blog/data/  \
    --post-move='cd ~/blog && make upload'

It works as expected. When you call this on the 20th April the file will be moved from ~/blog/spool into ~/blog/data, and your blog will be rebuilt & uploaded.

The implementation was different than the original suggestion, but is nice and clean, and can be used to do other things with a little bit of effort.

Anyway if you see this entry the spooling system is working!

ObQuote: 30 Days of Night.

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