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So I've been creating more things

24 October 2011 21:50

I realise it has been nearly two months since I last posted anything here. The good news is I'm still alive!

Mostly the past couple of months has been full of cute victims to take pictures of, which has helped me setup a simplified portfolio site;

I still continue to prefer images of people and I was recently pleased with the delivery of my first "photobook". Over the past couple of years I've slowly decorated my flat with prints (4"x6" - A2) of my pictures, but seeing the pictures in a nicely bound book makes them feel so much more real.

I've also been doing a little more software development, mostly relating to the archiving of images and the workflow of taking RAW images, converting them, and finally uploading via rsync. I suspect the tools I've put together are Steve-specific, but I did have some fun with duplicate image detection and eilimination - something I've written about in the past.

ObQuote: "Better to write for yourself and have no public than to write for the public and have no self" - Cyril Connolly.

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