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Entries tagged compromises

The remote root hole in exim4 is painful

12 December 2010 21:50

Recently I noticed a report of an alleged remote root security compromise of a machine, via the exim mailserver.

At the time I wasn't sure how seriously to take it, but I followed updates on the thread and it soon became clear that there was a major problem on our hands.

It later became obvious that there were two problems:


A remote buffer overflow, allowing the execution of arbitrary code as the user Debian-exim.


A privilege escelation allowing the attacker to jump from running code as Debian-exim to running code as root.

Trivial exploits are floating around the internet - and we were seeing this bug be exploited in the wild as early as yesterday afternoon.

Although I can feel somewhat smug that my own personal server is running qpsmtpd ahead of exim it's still a wake-up call, and this hole has the potential to significantly expand available botnets - it is probably only a matter of days hours until we see worms taking advantage of the flaw.

ObPlug: I've put together an updated version of exim4 for etch - if you're still running etch then you don't have any official security support (timely upgrading is obviously preferred) and it might be useful to have more folk pointed at that..

ObQuote: "We're all going to die down here" - Resident Evil.