Today I took down my KVM-host machine, rebooting it and restarting all of my guests. It has been a while since I'd done so and I was a little nerveous, as it turned out this nerveousness was prophetic.
I'd forgotten to hardwire the use of proxy_arp so my guests were all broken when the systems came back online.
If you're curious this is what my incoming graph of email SPAM looks like:

I think it is obvious where the downtime occurred, right?
In other news I'm awaiting news from the system administration job I applied for here in Edinburgh, if that doesn't work out I'll need to hunt for another position..
Finally I've started hacking on my console based mail-client some more. It is a modal client which means you're always in one of three states/modes:
- maildir - Viewing a list of maildir folders.
- index - Viewing a list of messages.
- message - Viewing a single message.
As a result of a lot of hacking there is now a fourth mode/state "text-mode". Which allows you to view arbitrary text, for example scrolling up and down a file on-disk, to read the manual, or viewing messages in interesting ways.
Support is still basic at the moment, but both of these work:
-- -- Show a single file -- show_file_contents( "/etc/passwd" ) global_mode( "text" )
function x() txt = { "${colour:red}Steve", "${colour:blue}Kemp", "${bold}Has", "${underline}Definitely", "Made this work" } show_text( txt ) global_mode( "text") end x()
There will be a new release within the week, I guess, I just need to wire up a few more primitives, write more of a manual, and close some more bugs.
Happy Thursday, or as we say in this house, Hyvää torstai!