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Entries tagged make-kpkg

thinking everything's gonna be as sweet as pie

1 November 2007 21:50

I'm in a position where I need to rebuild a Linux kernel for a number of distributions and architectures. Currently the distributions are:

  • Debian Etch
  • Ubuntu Dapper
  • Ubuntu Edgy
  • Ubuntu Feisty
  • Ubuntu Gutsy

(For each distribution I need a collection of packages for both i386 and amd64.)

I've written a couple of scripts to automate the process - first of all running "make menuconfig" within a debootstrap-derived chroot of each arch & distribution pair. Then later using those stored .config files to actually produce the packages via make-kpkg.

This process, as you could imagine, takes several hours to complete. Then there's the testing ...

I'm sure there must be other people with this kind of need but I was suprised to see nothing in my search attempts.

ObRandom: I'm tempted to switch from song-lyrics to film names as post titles. Undecided as yet. I guess it doesn't really matter, just gives me a small amount of amusement. Even now.

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