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IPv6 email

26 February 2011 21:50

I've been slowly moving towards full IPv6 usage on my main machines for the past few months. My main servers all have IPv6 setup and appropriate DNS records in place.

This weekend I configured my mailserver, which is based upon QPSMTPD & exim4, to be available on IPv6 too. Previously it would send mail via IPv6 where appropriate, but only receive mail via IPv4.

QPSMTPD I've written about a lot in the past, and indeed I did commercial things with it for a year or two, but in short it is more of an SMTP framework than an actual mailserver.

These days I use a small collection of plugins which test incoming mail in various ways, and either:

  • Reject the mail at SMTP time, causing a bounce, and store a copy of the rejected mail in a quarantine.
  • Accept the mail, and pass it on to exim4 for (local) delivery.

My plugins are pretty simple, but I've made a few changes for the brave new IPv6 world:

  • Breakdown reverse-DNS checks into IPv4 & IPv6 flavours.
  • Avoid using DNSBL for IPv6 addresses.

I reject (+ archive) about 8,000 SPAM messages a day. So far I've seen precisely zero SPAM mails be received via IPv6; though I'm sure that won't last for long!

My reject archive looks like this:

steve@steve:~$ tree -d -L 2 /spam/
|-- 23
|   |-- debian-administration.org
|   |-- mail-scanning.com
|   `-- steve.org.uk
|-- 24
|   |-- debian-administration.org
|   `-- steve.org.uk
|-- 25
|   |-- debian-administration.org
|   |-- mail-scanning.com
|   `-- steve.org.uk
|-- 55
|   |-- debian-administration.org
|   |-- mail-scanning.com
|   |-- steve.org.uk
|   `-- stolen-souls.com
|-- 56
|   |-- debian-administration.org
|   |-- steve.org.uk
|   `-- stolen-souls.com
|-- today -> /spam/56
`-- yesterday -> /spam/55

(Here "N" is the day of the year - Think of this as "date +%j". I rotate such that I keep 32 days of past SPAM mail, for reference/amusement/mistake-catching.)

ObQuote: "I am already grown up, I just get older. " - Leon

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A couple of small tweaks

3 April 2011 21:50

Today I made a couple of small tweaks to my systems. First of all I updated my email handling to allow further restrictions to be applied to incoming mail.

Generally the way I handle incoming mail is to first of all test the recipient, then apply spam checks. To allow mail for a new localpart to be received I'll run this:

cd /srv/example.com/users/valid
touch localpart

The result of the file /srv/example.com/users/valid/localpart existing is that mail is accepted for [email protected].

As of today that still works - any file beneath users/valid allows the appropriate localpart to receive email. But now a directory indicates an ACL. So I can create:

rm    /srv/example.com/users/valid/root
mkdir /srv/example.com/users/valid/root/
touch /srv/example.com/users/valid/root/
touch /srv/example.com/users/valid/root/

Now only the named IP addresses may mail [email protected].

Finally I updated the proxy which is handling incoming access to my websites, so that I actually take advantage of the regular expression support.

    '(xen-hosting.net|www.xen-hosting.net)': {
        'rules': {
            '^/': 'http://kvm-hosting.org/'

    '(xen-hosting.org|www.xen-hosting.org)': {
        'rules': {
            '^/': 'http://kvm-hosting.org/'

Using regular expressions meant that I didn't have seperate matches for xen-hosting.org and www.xen-hosting.org. (Obviously I could have combined all four hosts into one regexp, but it looks cleaner this way.)

ObQuote: "Nobody likes a perky goth" - Blood Ties.

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Bye-bye AOL

9 April 2012 21:50

Today I took that final step:

touch /srv/_global_/blacklisted/domains/aol.com

I remember, even a couple of years ago, I had friends who would mail me from their @aol.com email addresses. These days people have moved on.

The two single biggest mail-providers I see in terms of spam are:

  • @yahoo.com - 832 in the past nine days.
  • @aol.com - 242 in the past nine days.

I'd like to drop @yahoo.com but I have some (misguided) friends who continue to use it to mail me. I might start dropping non-friend mails from that domain, but that's a bigger job.

Yes, this is a dull entry. Sorry. My existing bathroom has been ripped out and turned into this as a stepping stone into its new incarnation. I'm trapped in my office. Dust almost everywhere. Noise everywhere else.

ObQuote: "There can be no understanding between the hand and the brain unless the heart acts as mediator. " - Metropolis