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Entries tagged secrets

Storing and distributing secrets.

12 September 2014 21:50

I run a number of hosts, and they are controlled via a server automation tool I wrote called slaughter [Documentation].

The policies I use to control my hosts are public and I don't want to make them private because they server as good examples.

Because the roles are public I don't want to embed passwords in them, which means I need something to hold secrets securely. In my case secrets are things like plaintext-passwords. I want those secrets to be secure and unavailable from untrusted hosts.

The simplest solution I could think of was an IP-address based ACL and a simple webserver. A client requests something like:

  • http://secret.example.com/user-passwords

That returns a JSON object, if the requesting host is permitted to read the data. Otherwise it returns a HTTP 403 error.

The layout is very simple:

|-- secrets
|   |--
|   |   `-- auth.json
|   |--
|   |   `-- example.json
|   `--
|       `-- chat.json

Each piece of data is beneath a directory/symlink which controls the read-only access. If the request comes in from the suitable IP it is granted, if not it is denied.

For example a failing case:

skx@desktop ~ $ curl  http://sss.steve.org.uk/chat
missing/permission denied

A working case :

root@chat ~ # curl  http://sss.steve.org.uk/chat
{ "steve": "haha", "bot": "notreally" }

(The JSON suffix is added automatically.)

It is hardly rocket-science, but I couldn't find anything else packaged neatly for this - only things like auth/secstore and factotum. So I'll share if it is useful.

Simple Secret Sharing, or Steve's secret storage.