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We can't just let you walk away!

3 May 2009 21:50

My Desktop

I use a number of computers in my daily life, but the machine I use the most often is my "desktop box". This is one of a pair of machines sat side by side on my desk.

One machine is desktop (Sid) and one is the backup host (Lenny). The backup machine is used by random visitors to my flat, and otherwise just runs backups for my remote machines (www.steve.org.uk, www.debian-administration.org, etc) every 4/6/24 hours.

I apply updates to both boxes regularly but my desktop machine tends to have lots of browsers open, and terminals. I rarely restart it, or logout. So the recent updates to X, hal, udev, mostly pass me by - I can go months without logging out and restarting the system.

On Saturday the desktop machine died with a OOM condition when I wrote some bad recursive code for indexing a collection of mailboxes. Oops.

When it came back I was greeted with a new login window, and all the fonts look great. Now in the past the fonts looked OK, but now? They look great.

I cannot pin down what has changed precisely, but everything looks so smooth and sexy.

So, a long entry, the summary is "I restarted my machine after a few months of being logged in, and now it looks better".

Distributed Monitoring?

Random conversation with Alex about monitoring yesterday made me curious to see if anybody has put together a useful distributed monitoring system?

Assume you have a network with Nagios, or similar, monitoring it. If your link between the monitoring box and the hosts being checked is flaky, unreliable, or has blips you will see false positives. We've all been there and seen that.

So, what is the solution? There are two "obvious" ones:

  • Move the monitoring as close to the services as possible.
  • Monitor from multiple points.

Moving the monitoring closer to the services does reduce the risk of false positives, but introduces its own problems. (i.e. You could be monitoring your cluster, and it could be saying "MySQL up", "Web up", but your ISP could have disconnected you - and you're not connected to the outside world. Oops. The solution there is to test external connectivity too, but that re-introduces the flakyness problem if your link is lossy.)

Distributed monitoring brings up its own issues, but seems like a sane way to go.

I wrote a simple prototype which has the ability to run as a standalone tester, or a CGI script under Apache. The intention is that you run it upon >3 nodes. If the monitoring detects a service is unavailable it queries the other monitoring nodes to see if they also report a failure - if they do it alerts, if not it assumes the failure is due to a "local" issue.

There is a lot of scope for doing it properly, which seems to be Alex's plan, having the nodes run in a mesh and communicate amongst each other "Hey I'm node #1 - I cannot see service X on host Y - Is down for you too?" - but the simple version of having the script just do a wget on the CGI-version on the other nodes is probably "good enough".

I really don't track the state of the art in this field, just struggle to battle nagios into submission. Do there exist systems like this already?

(sample code is here, sample remote-status checks are here and here. Each node will alert if >=2 nodes see a failure. Otherwise silence is golden.)

ObFilm: X-Men Origins: Wolverine



You Greeks take pride in your logic. I suggest you employ it.

8 March 2010 21:50

Tomorrow, all being well, I'll receive a new computer.

I've always run Debian unstable upon my desktop in the past, partly because I wanted to have "new stuff" and partly because I needed a Debian unstable system for building Debian packages with.

However I'm strongly tempted to just install Lenny. I use that upon my work desktop and it does me just fine for surfing, building tools, and similar.

I can use pbuilder, sbuildd, or similar to build packages for upload to Debian, and if I want to experiment with new-hotness I can use a KVM guest or two.

Providing the hardware works with Lenny (and I have no reason to believe it won't) then there's no obvious downside I can think of.

The only potential complication will be restoring my backups, it is possible that my firefox databases, and similar things, might not work on older version. Still we shall see.

I plan to install software RAID, and run the system on LVM because quite frankly it rocks. Unless my current system fails in the next 24 hours I can use that to do the installation (My current desktop acts as a TFTP/DHCP/NFS server so I can use it to PXE-boot).

Anyway now I need to go eat food, tidy my desk, and decide what to call the machine .. At the moment the choice is between "march.my.flat" and birthday.my.flat, as my 34th birthday is on March 10th.

ObFilm: 300