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A slack hack

17 September 2019 21:50

So recently I've been on-call, expected to react to events around the clock. Of course to make it more of a challenge alerts are usually raised via messages to a specific channel in slack which come from a variety of sources. Let's pretend I'm all retro/hip and I'm using IRC instead.

Knowing what I'm like I knew there was essentially zero chance a single beep on my phone, from the slack/irc app, would wake me up. So I spent a couple of hours writing a simple bot:

  • Connect to the server.
  • Listen for messages.
  • When an alert is posted in the channel:
    • Trigger a voice-call via the twilio API.

That actually worked out really, really, really well. Twilio would initiate a call to my mobile which absolutely would, could, and did wake me up. I did discover a problem pretty quickly though; too many phone-calls!

Imagine something is broken. Imagine a notice goes to your channel, and then people start replying to it:

  Some Bot: Help! Stuff is broken!  I'm on Fire!!  :fire: :hot: :boom:
  Colleague Bob: Is this real?
  Colleague Ann: Can you poke Chris?
  Colleage Chris: Oh dears, woe is me.

The first night I was on call I got a phone call. Then another. Then another. Even I replied to the thread/chat to say "Yeah I'm on it". So the next step was to refine my alerting:

  • If there is a message in the channel
    • Which is not from Bob
    • Which is not from Steve
    • Which is not from Ann
    • Which is not from Chris
    • Which doesn't contain the text "common false-positive"
    • Which doesn't contain the text "backup completed"
  • Then make a phone-call.

Of course the next problem was predictable enough, so the rules got refined:

  • If the time is between 7PM and 7AM raise the alert.
  • Unless it is the weekend in which case we alert regardless of the time of day.

So I had a growing set of rules. All encoded in my goloang notification application. I moved some of them to JSON (specificially a list of users/messages to ignore) but things like the time of day were harder to move.

I figured I shouldn't be hardwiring these things. So last night put together a simple filter-library, an evaluation engine, in golang to handle them. Now I can load a script and filter things out much more dynamically. For example assume I have the following struct:

type Message struct {
    Author  string
    Channel string
    Message string

And an instance of that struct named message, I can run a user-written script against that object:

 // Create a new eval-filter
 eval, er := evalfilter.New( "script goes here ..." )

 // Run it against the "message" object
 out, err := eval.Run( message )

The logic of reacting now goes inside that script, which is hopefully easy to read - but more importantly can be edited without recompiling the application:

// This is a filter script:
//   return false means "do nothing".
//   return true means initiate a phone-call.

// Ignore messages on channels that we don't care about
if ( Channel !~ "_alerts" ) { return false; }

// Ignore messages from humans who might otherwise write in our channels
// of interest.
if ( Sender == "USER1" ) { return false; }   // Steve
if ( Sender == "USER2" ) { return true; }    // Ann
if ( Sender == "USER3" ) { return false; }   // Bob

// Is it a weekend? Always alert.
if ( IsWeekend() ) { return true ; }

// OK so it is not a weekend.
// We only alert if 7pm-7am
// The WorkingHours() function returns `true` during working hours.
if ( WorkingHours() ) { return false ; }

// OK by this point we should raise a call:
// * The message was NOT from a colleague we've filtered out.
// * The message is upon a channel with an `_alerts` suffix.
// * It is not currently during working hours.
//   * And we already handled weekends by raising calls above.
return true ;

If the script returns true I initiate a phone-call. If the script returns false we ignore the message/event.

The alerting script itself is trivial, and probably non-portable, but the filtering engine is pretty neat. I can see a few more uses for it, even without it having nested blocks and a real grammar. So take a look, if you like:

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Old-School CGI Scripts!

24 September 2023 19:00

I'm not sure if I've talked about my job here, but I recently celebrated my one year anniversary - whilst on a company offsite trip to Sweden. When I joined the company there were approximately 100 people employed by it. Nowadays the numbers are much higher.

Having more people around is pretty awesome, but I realized that there were a lot of people wandering around the office who I didn't recognize so it occurred to me to make a game of it.

I had the idea I could write a slack bot to quiz me on my colleagues:

  • Show a random face, using the Slack profile picture.
  • Give a list of 5 names.
  • Ask me which was correct.

I spent an hour messing around with various Slack APIs, and decided the whole thing was too much of a hassle. Instead I wrote a simple script to download the details of all members of the workspace:

  • Name.
  • Email address.
  • Profile picture URL.

Then using that data, users.json, I hacked up a simple web application in Python, using the flask API. There only needed to be two pages:

  • A page ("/") to show five random images, each with five random names beneath them.
  • A page ("/quiz") to receive the HTTP POST, and score.

All in all this took only two hours or so. Old-school CGI is pretty awesome like that - Hidden values meant the whole thing could be stateless:

 <input type="hidden" name="1answer" value="Bob Smith" ..
 <input type="hidden" name="1profile" value="Sales" ..
 <input type="hidden" name="1url" value="https://.." ..

 <input type="hidden" name="2answer" value="Sally Smith" ..
 <input type="hidden" name="2profile" value="Sales" ..
 <input type="hidden" name="2url" value="https://.." ..

The only downside is that I don't have any authentication, so there is no ability to have a leaderboard. I've looked at the Okta samples and I think it would be easy to add, but I guess that would make it more complex and less portable. That said I'm not sharing the code this time, so who cares if it is tied to the company?

Anyway sometimes I forget how fast and easy it is to spinup a random virtual machine and present a HTTP(S) service for interactive use. This is one of those times when I remembered.