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Entries tagged tor

I hear it every day

17 January 2008 21:50

It bothers me that my Tor usage is less than I'd like because it is just so fiddly.

When it comes to privacy I want to keep things simple, I want to use tor, but I dont want to use it for things that aren't sane.

In practise that means I want to use tor for a small amount of browsing:

  • When the host is a.com, b.com, & c.com
  • When the traffic is not over SSL.

To do that I have to install privoxy, and use that with a configuration file like this:

# don't forward by default.
forward-socks4   /    .
# don't forward by default, even more so for HTTPS
forward-socks4   :443 .

# but we do want tor on these three sites:
forward-socks4   a.com/ .
forward-socks4   b.com/ .
forward-socks4   c.com/ .

I'm using absolutely nothing else in my Privoxy configuration, so it seems like overkill.

I'd love to hear about a simple rule-based proxy-chaining tool - if there is one out there then I'd love to know about it lazyweb.

If not it shouldn't be too hard to write one with the Net::Proxy & Net::Socks module(s).

  listen 1234

  hostname one.com
  port != 443
  proxy socks localhost 8050

  hostname two.com
  port != 443
  proxy socks localhost 8050

  hostname foo.com
  port = 80
  proxy localhost 8000