Tonight I'm going to enjoy a nice long sleep after attending The Beltane Fire Festival yesterday evening.
I did manage to sort out an SSL certificate yesterday, before I went out. A lengthier process than expected because the SSL-registrar was annoying and mailed the admin address listed in whois for my domain; rather than an address upon the domain itself.
I guess they can't be blamed for that, and the registrar did forward on the request when begged, so it wasn't the end of the world. For reference I used; who sold me a 3 year SSL certificate for about £25.
Today I've been mostly catatonic because I had only two hours sleep last night. But one good piece of news was receiving a (postal) mail from Runa in response to the letter I had sent her some time ago.
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Tags: mail-scanning, procmail, ssl 1 comment
While that mostly covers domain name issues, bad business practices reflect poorly on the entire company.