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Entries tagged ssl

Offer me everything I ask for

29 April 2008 21:50

I installed Debian upon a new desktop machine yesterday, via a PXE network boot.

It was painless.

Getting xen up and running, with a 32-bit guest and a 64-bit guest each running XDMCP & VNC was also pretty straightforward.

There is a minor outstanding problem with the 32-bit xen guest though; connecting to it from dom0, via XDMCP, I see only a blank window - no login manager running.

GDM appears painlessly when I connect via VNC.

The relevent configuration file looks like this:

# /etc/gdm/gdm.conf


The same configuration on the 64-bit guest works OK for both cases.

(I like to use XDMCP for accessing the desktop of Xen guests, since it means that I get it all full-screen, and don't have to worry about shortcuts affecting the host system and not the guest - as is the case if you're connecting via VNC, etc).

Weirdness. Help welcome; I'm not 100% sure where to look

Anyway, once again, a huge thank you to the Debian Developers, bug submitters, and anybody else involved peripherally (such as myself!) with Debian!

I love it when a plan comes together.


ObRandom: Where is the cheapest place to get an SSL certificate, for two years, which will work with my shiny Apache2 install?

Somebody, rightly, called me for not having SSL available as an option on my mail filtering website.

I've installed a self-signed certificate just now, but I will need to pay the money and buy a "real" one shortly.

So far completessl.com seems to be high in the running:

  • 1 year - £26
  • 2 years - £49

For double-bonus points they accept Paypal which most of my customers pay with ..

ObQuote: The Princess Bride



Fight in the shade

1 May 2008 21:50

Tonight I'm going to enjoy a nice long sleep after attending The Beltane Fire Festival yesterday evening.

I did manage to sort out an SSL certificate yesterday, before I went out. A lengthier process than expected because the SSL-registrar was annoying and mailed the admin address listed in whois for my domain; rather than an address upon the domain itself.

I guess they can't be blamed for that, and the registrar did forward on the request when begged, so it wasn't the end of the world. For reference I used godaddy.com; who sold me a 3 year SSL certificate for about £25.

Today I've been mostly catatonic because I had only two hours sleep last night. But one good piece of news was receiving a (postal) mail from Runa in response to the letter I had sent her some time ago.

ObQuote: 300

| 1 comment


Expiration checking services?

31 October 2013 21:50

Today I'm recuperating, and almost back to full health.

Unfortunately I made the mistake of online-shopping, oops.

Good job I stopped myself from registaring all the domains, but I did get two that I liked: spare.io & edinburgh.io.

I've updated my database to record them, but I wonder what do other people use to remind them about expiration dates of domains, SSL-certificates, & etc?

I googled and didn't find a definitive free/paid service, but it seems like something lots of people need to be reminded about..

Maybe people just rely on registrars sending strident emails. (Of course the redemption period for domains make it reasonably safe to forget for a day or two, until your customers complain and your emails start to bounce..)



Some things get moved, some things get doubled in size.

11 April 2015 21:50


We're about three months away from relocating from Edinburgh to Newcastle and some of the immediate panic has worn off.

We've sold our sofa, our spare sofa, etc, etc. We've bought a used dining-table, chairs, and a small sofa, etc. We need to populate the second-bedroom as an actual bedroom, do some painting, & etc, but things are slowly getting done.

I've registered myself as a landlord with the city council, so that I can rent the flat out without getting into trouble, and I'm in the process of discussing the income possibilities with a couple of agencies.

We're still unsure of precisely which hospital, from the many choices, in Newcastle my wife will be stationed at. That's frustrating because she could be in the city proper, or outside it. So we need to know before we can find a place to rent there.

Anyway moving? It'll be annoying, but we're making progress. Plus, how hard can it be?

VLAN Expansion

I previously had a /28 assigned for my own use, now I've doubled that to a /27 which gives me the ability to create more virtual machines and run some SSL on some websites.

Using SNI I've actually got the ability to run SSL almost all sites. So I configured myself as a CA and generated a bunch of certificates for myself. (Annoyingly few tutorials on running a CA mentioned SNI so it took a few attempts to get the SAN working. But once I got the hang of it it was simple enough.)

So if you have my certificate authority file installed you can browse many, many of my interesting websites over SSL.


I run a number of servers behind a reverse-proxy. At the moment the back-end is lighttpd. Now that I have SSL setup the incoming requests hit the proxy, get routed to lighttpd and all is well. Mostly.

However redirections break. A request for:

  • https://lumail.org/docs

Gets rewritten to:

  • http://lumail.org/docs/

That is because lighttpd generates the redirection and it only sees the HTTP connection. It seems there is mod_extforward which should allow the server to be aware of the SSL - but it doesn't do so in a useful fashion.

So right now most of my sites are SSL-enabled, but sometimes they'll flip to naked and unprotected. Annoying.

I don't yet have a solution..



I jumped on the SSL-bandwagon

4 December 2015 21:50

Like everybody else on the internet today was the day I started rolling out SSL certificates, via let's encrypt.

The process wasn't too difficult, but I did have to make some changes. Pretty much every website I have runs under its own UID, and I use a proxy to pass content through to the right back-end.

Running 15+ webservers feels like overkill, but it means that the code running start.steve.org.uk cannot read/modify/break the code that is running this blog - because they run as different UIDs.

To start with I made sure that all requests to the top-level /.well-known directory were shunted to a local directory - via this in /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/well-known.conf:

Alias /.well-known/ /srv/well-known/

<Directory "/srv/well-known/">
    ForceType text/plain
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride all
    AuthType None
    Require all granted

Then configured each proxy to avoid forwarding that path to the back-ends, by adding this to each of the individual virtual-hosts that run proxying:

<Proxy *>
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
ProxyPass /.well-known !
ProxyPass        / http://localhost:$port/

Then it came to be time to actually generate the certificates. Rather than using the official client I used a simpler one that allowed me to generate requests easily:


# generate a key
openssl genrsa 4096 > $KEYS/lumail.key

# make a CSR
openssl req -new -sha256 -key $KEYS/lumail.key -subj "/" -reqexts SAN \
   -config <(cat /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf \
   <(printf "[SAN]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:www.lumail.org,DNS:lumail.org")) \
   > $CSR/lumail.csr

# Do the validation
acme_tiny.py --account-key ./account.key --csr $CSR/lumail.csr \
  --acme-dir /srv/well-known/acme-challenge/ > $CERTS/lumail.crt.new

And then I was done. Along the way I found some niggles:

  • If you have a host that listens on IPv6 only you cannot validate your request - this seems like a clear failure.
  • It is assumed that you generate all your certificates in their live-location. e.g. You cannot generate a certificate for foo.example.com on the host bar.example.com.
  • If you forward HTTP -> HTTPS the validation fails. I had to setup rewrite rules to avoid this, for example lumail.org contains this:
    • RewriteEngine On
    • RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/.well-known
    • RewriteRule ^/(.*) https://lumail.org/$1 [L]

The first issue is an annoyance. The second issue is a real pain. For example *.steve.org.uk listens on one machine except for webmail.steve.org.uk. Since there are no wildcards created a single certificate with Alt-names for a bunch of names such as:

  • ..
  • blog.steve.org.uk
  • start.steve.org.uk
  • ..

Then seperately create a certificate for the webmail host - which I've honestly not done yet.

Still I wrote a nice little script to generate SSL for a number of domains, with different Alt-Names, wrapping around the acme_tiny.py script, and regenerating all my deployed certificates is now a two minute job.

(People talk about renewing certificates. I don't see the gain. Just replace them utterly every two months and you'll be fine.)