I've got my first real rails application working correctly - a simple online bookmark system, which is scuttle-lookalike. (This is part of my master-plan to remove PHP utterly from the few remaining places where it exists upon my server(s), so it isn't as pointless a project as it appears to be!)
It is pretty neat, and it handles most of the things you'd expect.
Fetch it from CVS and install it with the following recipe:
cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/home/cvs login cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/home/cvs co bookmarks cd bookmarks/ mysql --user=root -p -e "CREATE DATABASE Books_development" rake db:migrate ruby script/server
Once that is done point a browser at http://localhost:3000/ - and you should see something like this.
(If there is no admin user setup it will display a "signup" link, once there is an admin defined this will go away. When you're an admin you can view/edit/modify all the bookmarks which are set to "private".)
I'm new to rails, and ruby for that matter, so if this is packaged badly, or is missing something to make it work please do let me know.
Updated: Changed from download to the CVS repository. I also have a collection of tools for exporting from Insipid & Scuttle if they are useful let me know.
Tags: bookmarks, cvsrepository, rails No comments