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Entries tagged cvsrepository

Welcome to where time stands still

21 December 2006 21:50

I can be childish too: PHP must die

I've been actively migrating services away from PHP for a while now, even at the cost of having to use less mature applications which aren't as pretty. I'm definitely at the point now where I simply don't trust it and the applications which (ab)use it.

Tonights job is to look for a non-PHP blogging application which can import my wordpress content from. I even wrote 75% of one myself once upon a time, but I lacked the time to finish it off.

Sure there are good PHP coders out there, I'm just sick of the rest.

Somebody should write a intepretted templating system similar to PHP, but with no bugs. Although maybe thats the problem, giving people the ablity to mix presentation inline with code was a fundamentally bad idea to start with? Since it led to non-programmers producing things that were broken.

I do keep meaning to look at Rails, but I'm usually turned off by the problems of mixing Debian packages with the rubyforge gems - I like to keep things from one source. (e.g. 99% of my perl modules are Debian packages, not CPAN packages.)

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I dont mind not knowing what lies down the track

23 January 2007 21:50

I've got my first real rails application working correctly - a simple online bookmark system, which is scuttle-lookalike. (This is part of my master-plan to remove PHP utterly from the few remaining places where it exists upon my server(s), so it isn't as pointless a project as it appears to be!)

It is pretty neat, and it handles most of the things you'd expect.

Fetch it from CVS and install it with the following recipe:

cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/home/cvs login
cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/home/cvs co bookmarks
cd bookmarks/
mysql --user=root -p -e "CREATE DATABASE Books_development" 
rake db:migrate
ruby script/server

Once that is done point a browser at http://localhost:3000/ - and you should see something like this.

(If there is no admin user setup it will display a "signup" link, once there is an admin defined this will go away. When you're an admin you can view/edit/modify all the bookmarks which are set to "private".)

I'm new to rails, and ruby for that matter, so if this is packaged badly, or is missing something to make it work please do let me know.

Updated: Changed from download to the CVS repository. I also have a collection of tools for exporting from Insipid & Scuttle if they are useful let me know.

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Black celebration

9 April 2007 21:50

My apt-get repository has moved- no longer:
deb     http://steve.org.uk/apt sarge ...
deb-src http://steve.org.uk/apt sarge ...

Instead you should now use:

#  Steve Kemp's repository:  Sarge
deb     http://apt.steve.org.uk/sarge sarge main non-free contrib
deb-src http://apt.steve.org.uk/sarge sarge main non-free contrib

Or :

#  Steve Kemp's repository:  Etch
deb     http://apt.steve.org.uk/etch etch main non-free contrib
deb-src http://apt.steve.org.uk/etch etch main non-free contrib

This scheme should be more extensible and will be easier for me to maintain.

I've setup symlinks so that clients who don't update will still have something working - but I'd really rather you switched if you're using these repositories.

I've imported the Sarge repository fully, for AMD64/i386. I'll go through the Etch one shortly - I think most packages people care about are in the new release, the biggest package is xen-tools which has had several important/interesting/useful changes since the Etch freeze…

There are some custom packages that seem suprisingly popular, such as the steve-completion which will need to be imported for etch too - but I'll do those by the end of the week all being well.

BUG: if apt-get honoured HTTP redirects I'd not have to post this here and hope for the best …

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A new and glorious moment

18 May 2007 21:50

Puppet the system-administration tool, similar to CFengine is very nice.

What is less-nice is the lack of decent examples. The wiki has lots of "recipes", however these give no real explaination of how to install them.

I know that I need manifests/site.pp which will control which nodes get which actions applied to them, but beyond that I'm a little lost!

I'm hoping to replicate my cfengine setup. Most of it is pretty simple "append line to file if missing", and copying files from the central server. (The latter I've got working nicely.)

Hopefully somebody will now point me at a good tutorial that doesn't stop once it is installed (like this one.)

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No, I don't want your number

23 November 2007 21:50

I'm still in the middle of a quandry with regards to revision control.

90% of my open code is hosted via CVS at a central site.

I wish to migrate away from CVS in the very near future, and having ummed and ahhed for a while I've picked murcurial as my system of choice. There is extensive documentation, and it does everything I believe I need.

The close-runner was git, but on balance I've decided to choose mercurial as it wins in a few respects.

Now the plan. I have two options:

  • Leave each project in one central site.
  • Migrate project $foo to its own location.

e.g. My xen-tools could be hosted at mercurial.xen-tools.org, my blog compiler could live at mercurial.steve.org.uk.

Alternatively I could just leave the one site in place, ignoring the fact that the domain name is now inappropriate.

The problem? I can't decide which approach to go for. Both have plusses and minuses.

Suggestions or rationales welcome - but no holy wars on why any particular revision control system is best...

I guess ultimately it matters little, and short of mass-editing links its 50/50.

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