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Entries tagged 3dhubs

Security is hard ..

30 May 2017 21:50


I continued to be impressed with local vendors, found on 3dhubs. I've had several more things printed out, including an "internet button", and some card-holders for Settlers of Catan.

The most recent print I had made was a collection of display cases, for holding an OLED display, as well as an ESP8266 device.

Unfortunately at the same time as I was falling in love with the service I discovered a glaring XSS attack against the site itself.

Anybody who viewed my profile page could have arbitrary javascript executed, which in some cases would actually disclose their private details - such as:

  • Their forename & surname.
  • Their email-address.
  • Their telephone number.
  • Their GeoIP details.

Discovering this took minutes, writing it up took an hour, and a month later it is still unfixed.

I've deleted my account.

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