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Entries tagged ipod

And he pulled the bow across his strings and it made an evil hiss.

16 September 2007 21:50

Friday Morning I ordered an 80Gb iPod classic.

Friday Afternoon I discover Apple Cuts Off Linux iPod Users

Saturday / Sunday I follow along on IRC the reverse engineering effort

Progress is being made, but still a little bit away from having a result. In the meantime I'm ripping Megan's cds.

In other news Debian Security Advisories are being held up by missing buildd machines for several archs.

Previously I supported the position that Debian should release for 14+ plus platforms, but given the regular frustrations and delays I'm now of the opinion that we should only release for platforms that have at least two buildds - one for security, and one for regular use.

(Benefit of two? If one dies we can both use the other.)

Finally I'm still doing more SMTP work, and it is going extremely well. The next job is to wire up a payment gateway which is tedious and dull.

Update - Looks like the ipod issue is fixed. kudos to wtbw + nopcode .. and everybody else who put in the work.

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Grey would be the colour if I had a heart

18 September 2007 21:50

Thanks to gnupod I can now upload audio tracks to my current ipod. Code is in CVS, and you just need to follow the instructions to make it work. (ie. update the ID in mktunes.pl.

I can write it up if there is any interest...

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