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Some brief sysbox highlights

17 May 2020 15:00

I started work on sysbox again recently, adding a couple of simple utilities. (The whole project is a small collection of utilities, distributed as a single binary to ease installation.)

Imagine you want to run a command for every line of STDIN, here's a good example:

 $ cat input | sysbox exec-stdin "youtube-dl {}"

Here you see for every (non-empty) line of input read from STDIN the command "youtube-dl" has been executed. "{}" gets expanded to the complete line read. You can also access individual fields, kinda like awk.

(Yes youtube-dl can read a list of URLs from a file, this is an example!)

Another example, run groups for every local user:

$ cat /etc/passwd | sysbox exec-stdin --split=: groups {1}

Here you see we have split the input-lines read from STDIN by the : character, instead of by whitespace, and we've accessed the first field via "{1}". This is certainly easier for scripting than using a bash loop.

On the topic of bash; command-completion for each subcommand, and their arguments, is now present:

$ source <(sysbox bash-completion)

And I've added a text-based UI for selecting files. You can also execute a command, against the selected file:

$ sysbox choose-file -exec "xine {}" /srv/tv

This is what that looks like:


You'll see:

  • A text-box for filtering the list.
  • A list which can be scrolled up/down/etc.
  • A brief bit of help information in the footer.

As well as choosing files, you can also select from lines read via STDIN, and you can filter the command in the same way as before. (i.e. "{}" is the selected item.)

Other commands received updates, so the calculator now allows storing results in variables:

$ sysbox calc
calc> let a = 3
calc> a / 9 * 3
calc> 1 + 2 * a
calc> 1.2 + 3.4



I'm a bit of a git (hacker?)

28 July 2020 21:00

Sometimes I enjoy reading the source code to projects I like, use, or am about to install for the first time. This was something I used to do on a very regular basis, looking for security issues to report. Nowadays I don't have so much free time, but I still like to inspect the source code to new applications I install, and every now and again I'll find the time to look at the source to random projects.

Reading code is good. Reading code is educational.

One application I've looked at multiple times is redis, which is a great example of clean and well-written code. That said when reading the redis codebase I couldn't help noticing that there were a reasonably large number of typos/spelling mistakes in the comments, so I submitted a pull-request:

Sadly that particular pull-request didn't receive too much attention, although a previous one updating the configuration file was accepted. I was recently reminded of these pull-requests when I was when I was doing some other work. So I figured I'd have a quick scan of a couple of other utilities.

In the past I'd just note spelling mistakes when I came across them, usually I'd be opening each file in a project one by one and reading them from top to bottom. (Sometimes I'd just open files in emacs and run "M-x ispell-comments-and-strings", but more often I'd just notice them with my eyes). It did strike me that if I were to do this in a more serious fashion it would be good to automate it.

So this time round I hacked up a simple "dump comments" utility, which would scan named files and output the contents of any comments (be they single-line, or multi-line). Once I'd done that I could spell-check easily:

 $ go run dump-comments.go *.c > comments
 $ aspell -c comments

Anyway the upshot of that was a pull-request against git:

We'll see if that makes its way live sometime. In case I get interested in doing this again I've updated my sysbox-utility collection to have a comments sub-command. That's a little more robust and reliable than my previous hack:

$ sysbox comments -pretty=true $(find . -name '*.c')

The comments sub-command has support for:

  • Single-line comments, for C, as prefixed with //.
  • Multi-line comments, for C++, as between /* and */.
  • Single-line comments, for shell, as prefixed with #.
  • Lua comments, both single-line (prefixed with --) and multiline between --[[ and --]].

Adding new support would be trivial, I just need a start and end pattern to search against. Pull-requests welcome:

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