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Entries tagged lisp

Imake art, until someone dies

15 February 2009 21:50

This weekend I have mostly been investigating Common Lisp.

If you're new to the environment then you may get started via a simple:

apt-get install clisp

Once you've done that the following resources will help you decide whether you're wasting your time or not:

It has been a long time since I've had so much fun - even though the first thing I did was experiment with implementing a spam filter - although in my defense I was only classifying based upon the links contained in the mails. So for example:

  • http://gmail.com/ - Good.
  • http://www.facebook.com/ - Good. (ha!)
  • http://tallbear.com - Spam
  • http://pamperflow.com - Spam

(NSFW links)

ObFilm: Batman

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What day is it? What year?

2 June 2009 21:50

For the past few days Edinburgh has been experiencing a mini-heatwave. This is mostly pleasant, but the downside is that I've become sunburnt and bitten by many insects.

Happily I've discovered that the mint plants I've got growing beneath my bedroom window are antipruritic ("anti-itch") which solves both problems.

Aside from the heat I've had a busy weekend wiring up some Lisp code to serve as an XML-RPC server, so that I can carry out some functions remotely.

I'm almost tempted to package the s-xml-rpc library if only locally, but I'm not confident I know what I'm doing. I mostly unpacked the source beneath /usr/share/common-lisp/source/s-xml-rpc and fiddled until things started working by magic.

In addition to getting more hooked upon Lisp I've spent a while tidying up obsolete pages on my websites, unifying services, and giving a minor overhaul to the appearance of things.

ObFilm: Terminator Salvation



Keeping a simple markdown work-log, via emacs

1 November 2019 16:00

For the past few years I've been keeping a work-log of everything I do. I don't often share these, though it is sometimes interesting to be able to paste into a chat-channel "Oh on the 17th March I changed that .."

I've had a couple of different approaches but for the past few years I've mostly settled upon emacs ~/Work.md. I just create a heading for the date and I'm done:

 # 10-03-2019

 * Did a thing.
   * See this link
 * Did another thing.

 ## Misc.

 Happy Birthday to me.

As I said I've been doing this for years, but it was only last week that I decided to start making it more efficient. Since I open this file often I should bind it to a key:

(defun worklog()
  (interactive "*")
  (find-file "~/Work.MD"))

(global-set-key (kbd "C-x w") 'worklog)

This allows me to open the log by just pressing C-x w. The next step was to automate the headers. So I came up with a function which will search for today's date, adding it if missing:

(defun worklog-today()
  "Move to today's date, if it isn't found then append it"
  (interactive "*")
  (if (not (search-forward (format-time-string "# %d-%m-%Y") nil t 1))
        (insert (format-time-string "\n\n# %d-%m-%Y\n")))))

Now we use some magic to makes this function run every time I open ~/Work.md:

(defun worklog_hook ()
  (when (equalp (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) "work.md")

(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'worklog_hook)

Finally there is a useful package imenu-list which allows you to create an inline sidebar for files. Binding that to a key allows it to be toggled easily:

    (add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook
     (lambda ()
      (local-set-key (kbd "M-'") 'imenu-list-smart-toggle)

The end result is a screen that looks something like this:

If you have an interest in such things I store my emacs configuration on github, in a dotfile-repository. My init file is writting in markdown, which makes it easy to read:



So we come to Lisp

15 July 2022 13:00

Recently I've been working with simple/trivial scripting languages, and I guess I finally reached a point where I thought "Lisp? Why not". One of the reasons for recent experimentation was thinking about the kind of minimalism that makes implementing a language less work - being able to actually use the language to write itself.

FORTH is my recurring example, because implementing it mostly means writing a virtual machine which consists of memory ("cells") along with a pair of stacks, and some primitives for operating upon them. Once you have that groundwork in place you can layer the higher-level constructs (such as "for", "if", etc).

Lisp allows a similar approach, albeit with slightly fewer low-level details required, and far less tortuous thinking. Lisp always feels higher-level to me anyway, given the explicit data-types ("list", "string", "number", etc).

Here's something that works in my toy lisp:

;; Define a function, `fact`, to calculate factorials (recursively).
(define fact (lambda (n)
  (if (<= n 1)
      (* n (fact (- n 1))))))

;; Invoke the factorial function, using apply
(apply (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
  (lambda (x)
    (print "%s! => %s" x (fact x))))

The core language doesn't have helpful functions to filter lists, or build up lists by applying a specified function to each member of a list, but adding them is trivial using the standard car, cdr, and simple recursion. That means you end up writing lots of small functions like this:

(define zero? (lambda (n) (if (= n 0) #t #f)))
(define even? (lambda (n) (if (zero? (% n 2)) #t #f)))
(define odd?  (lambda (n) (! (even? n))))
(define sq    (lambda (x) (* x x)))

Once you have them you can use them in a way that feels simple and natural:

(print "Even numbers from 0-10: %s"
  (filter (nat 11) (lambda (x) (even? x))))

(print "Squared numbers from 0-10: %s"
  (map (nat 11) (lambda (x) (sq x))))

This all feels very sexy and simple, because the implementations of map, apply, filter are all written using the lisp - and they're easy to write.

Lisp takes things further than some other "basic" languages because of the (infamous) support for Macros. But even without them writing new useful functions is pretty simple. Where things struggle? I guess I don't actually have a history of using lisp to actually solve problems - although it's great for configuring my editor..

Anyway I guess the journey continues. Having looked at the obvious "minimal core" languages I need to go further afield:

I'll make an attempt to look at some of the esoteric programming languages, and see if any of those are fun to experiment with.



Lisp macros are magical

23 September 2022 19:00

In my previous post I introduced yet another Lisp interpreter. When it was posted there was no support for macros.

Since I've recently returned from a visit to the UK, and caught COVID-19 while I was there, I figured I'd see if my brain was fried by adding macro support.

I know lisp macros are awesome, it's one of those things that everybody is told. Repeatedly. I've used macros in my emacs programming off and on for a good few years, but despite that I'd not really given them too much thought.

If you know anything about lisp you know that it's all about the lists, the parenthesis, and the macros. Here's a simple macro I wrote:

 (define if2 (macro (pred one two)
    `(if ~pred (begin ~one ~two))))

The standard lisp if function allows you to write:

 (if (= 1 a) (print "a == 1") (print "a != 1"))

There are three arguments supplied to the if form:

  • The test to perform.
  • A single statement to execute if the test was true.
  • A single statement to execute if the test was not true.

My if2 macro instead has three arguments:

  • The test to perform.
  • The first statement to execute if the test was true.
  • The second statement to execute if the test was true.
  • i.e. There is no "else", or failure, clause.

This means I can write:

 (if2 blah

Rather than:

 (if blah

It is simple, clear, and easy to understand and a good building-block for writing a while function:

 (define while-fun (lambda (predicate body)
    (if2 (predicate)
       (while-fun predicate body))))

There you see that if the condition is true then we call the supplied body, and then recurse. Doing two actions as a result of the single if test is a neat shortcut.

Of course we need to wrap that up in a macro, for neatness:

(define while (macro (expression body)
                 (list 'while-fun
                       (list 'lambda '() expression)
                       (list 'lambda '() body))))

Now we're done, and we can run a loop five times like so:

(let ((a 5))
  (while (> a 0)
        (print "(while) loop - iteration %s" a)
        (set! a (- a 1) true))))


(while) loop - iteration 5
(while) loop - iteration 4
(while) loop - iteration 3
(while) loop - iteration 2
(while) loop - iteration 1

We've gone from using lists to having a while-loop, with a couple of simple macros and one neat recursive function.

There are a lot of cute things you can do with macros, and now I'm starting to appreciate them a little more. Of course it's not quite as magical as FORTH, but damn close!

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Trivial benchmarks of toy languages

8 October 2022 15:00

Over the past few months (years?) I've posted on my blog about the various toy interpreters I've written.

I've used a couple of scripting languages/engines in my professional career, but in public I think I've implemented

Each of these works in similar ways, and each of these filled a minor niche, or helped me learn something new. But of course there's always a question:

  • Which is fastest?

In the real world? It just doesn't matter. For me. But I was curious, so I hacked up a simple benchmark of calculating 12! (i.e. The factorial of 12).

The specific timings will vary based on the system which runs the test(s), but there's no threading involved so the relative performance is probably comparable.

Anyway the benchmark is simple, and I did it "fairly". By that I mean that I didn't try to optimize any particular test-implementation, I just wrote it in a way that felt natural.

The results? Evalfilter wins, because it compiles the program into bytecode, which can be executed pretty quickly. But I was actually shocked ("I wrote a benchmark; The results will blow your mind!") at the second and third result:

BenchmarkEvalFilterFactorial-4      61542     17458 ns/op
BenchmarkFothFactorial-4            44751     26275 ns/op
BenchmarkBASICFactorial-4           36735     32090 ns/op
BenchmarkMonkeyFactorial-4          14446     85061 ns/op
BenchmarkYALFactorial-4              2607    456757 ns/op
BenchmarkTCLFactorial-4               292   4085301 ns/op

here we see that FOTH, my FORTH implementation, comes second. I guess this is an efficient interpreter too, bacause that too is essentially "bytecode". (Looking up words in a dictionary, which really maps to indexes to other words. The stack operations are reasonably simple and fast too.)

Number three? BASIC? I expected better from the other implementations to be honest. BASIC doesn't even use an AST (in my implementation), just walks tokens. I figured the TCO implemented by my lisp would make that number three.

Anyway the numbers mean nothing. Really. But still interesting.

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I put an LSP in your LISP ..

28 November 2022 22:00

I recently wrote about yet another lisp I'd been having fun with.

Over the past couple of years I've played with a few toy scripting languages, or random interpreters, and this time I figured I'd do something beyond the minimum, by implementing the Language Server Protocol.

In brief the language server protocol (LSP) is designed to abstract functionality that might be provided by an editor, or IDE, into a small "language server". If the language-server knows how to jump to definitions, provide completion, etc, etc, then the editor doesn't need to implement those things for NN different languages - it just needs to launch and communicate with something that does know how to do the job.

Anyway LSP? LISP? Only one letter different, so that's practically enough reason to have a stab at it.

Thankfully I found a beautiful library that implements a simple framework allowing the easy implementation of a golang-based LSP-serverÖ

Using that I quickly hacked up a server that can provide:

  • Overview of all standard-library functions, on hover.
  • Completion of all standard-library functions.

I've tested this in both GNU Emacs and Neovim, so that means I'm happy I support all editors! (More seriously if it works in two then that probably means that the LSP stuff should work elsewhere too.)

Here's what the "help on hover" looks like, within Emacs:

Vim looks similar but you have to press K to see the wee popup. Still kinda cute, and was a good experiment.

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