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Entries tagged markdown

Pastebin site with markdown support

16 February 2014 21:50

Today I setup a new website:

Something I want, something I'll use, and something that might be useful to others?



My pastebin will now run under docker.

17 February 2014 21:50

I've updated my markdown-pastebin site, to be a little cleaner, and to avoid spidering issues.

Previously every piece of uploaded text received an incrementing integer to describe it - which meant it was trivially easy for others to see how many pieces of text had been uploaded, and to spider all past uploads (unless the user deleted them).

Now each fresh paste receives a random UUID to describe it, and this means spidering is no longer feasible.

I've also posted the source code to Gitub so folk can report bugs, fork, etc:

That source code now includes a Dockerfile which allows you to quickly and easily build your own container running this wonderful service, and launch it without worrying about trashing your server ;)

Anyway other than the user-interface overhaul it is still as functional, or not, as it used to be!

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If this goes well I have a new blog engine

17 September 2014 21:50

Assuming this post shows up then I'll have successfully migrated from Chronicle to a temporary replacement.

Chronicle is awesome, and despite a lack of activity recently it is not dead. (No activity because it continued to do everything I needed for my blog.)

Unfortunately though there is a problem with chronicle, it suffers from a bit of a performance problem which has gradually become more and more vexing as the nubmer of entries I have has grown.

When chronicle runs it :

  • It reads each post into a complex data-structure.
  • Then it walks this multiple times.
  • Finally it outputs a whole bunch of posts.

In the general case you rebuild a blog because you've made a entry, or received a new comment. There is some code which tries to use memcached for caching, but in general chronicle just isn't fast and it is certainly memory-bound if you have a couple of thousand entries.

Currently my test data-set contains 2000 entries and to rebuild that from a clean start takes around 4 minutes, which is pretty horrific.

So what is the alternative? What if you could parse each post once, add it to an SQLite database, and then use that for writing your output pages? Instead of the complex data-structure in-RAM and the need to parse a zillion files you'd have a standard/simple SQL structure you could use to build a tag-cloud, an archive, & etc. If you store the contents of the parsed-blog, along with the mtime of the source file you can update it if the entry is changed in the future, as I sometimes make typos which I only spot once Ive run make steve on my blog sources.

Not surprisingly the newer code is significantly faster if you have 2000+ posts. If you've imported the posts into SQLite the most recent entries are updated in 3 seconds. If you're starting cold, parsing each entry, inserting it into SQLite, and then generating the blog from scratch the build time is still less than 10 seconds.

The downside is that I've removed features, obviously nothing that I use myself. Most notably the calendar view is gone, as is the ability to use date-based URLs. Less seriously there is only a single theme, which is what is used upon this site.

In conclusion I've written something last night which is a stepping stone between the current chronicle and chronicle2 which will appear in due course.

PS. This entry was written in markdown, just because I wanted to be sure it worked.



Switched to using attic for backups

19 December 2014 21:50

Even though seeing the word attic reminds me too much of leaking roofs and CVS, I've switched to using the attic backup tool.

I want a simple system which will take incremental backups, perform duplication-elimination (to avoid taking too much space), support encryption, and be fast.

I stopped using backup2l because the .tar.gz files were too annoying, and it was too slow. I started using obnam because I respect Lars and his exceptionally thorough testing-regime, but had to stop using it when things started getting "too slow".

I'll document the usage/installation in the future. For the moment the only annoyance is that it is contained in the Jessie archive, not the Wheezy one. Right now only 2/19 of my hosts are Jessie.



If your code accepts URIs as input..

12 September 2016 21:50

There are many online sites that accept reading input from remote locations. For example a site might try to extract all the text from a webpage, or show you the HTTP-headers a given server sends back in response to a request.

If you run such a site you must make sure you validate the schema you're given - also remembering to do that if you're sent any HTTP-redirects.

Really the issue here is a confusion between URL & URI.

The only time I ever communicated with Aaron Swartz was unfortunately after his death, because I didn't make the connection. I randomly stumbled upon the html2text software he put together, which had an online demo containing a form for entering a location. I tried the obvious input:


The software was vulnerable, read the file, and showed it to me.

The site gives errors on all inputs now, so it cannot be used to demonstrate the problem, but on Friday I saw another site on Hacker News with the very same input-issue, and it reminded me that there's a very real class of security problems here.

The site in question was http://fuckyeahmarkdown.com/ and allows you to enter a URL to convert to markdown - I found this via the hacker news submission.

The following link shows the contents of /etc/hosts, and demonstrates the problem:


The output looked like this:

.. localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost
fe80::1%lo0 localhost stage files brettt..

In the actual output of '/etc/passwd' all newlines had been stripped. (Which I now recognize as being an artifact of the markdown processing.)

UPDATE: The problem is fixed now.



A simple Perl alternative to storing data in Redis

16 December 2016 21:50

I continue to be a big user of Perl, and for many of my sites I avoid the use of MySQL which means that I largely store data in flat files, SQLite databases, or in memory via Redis.

One of my servers was recently struggling with RAM, and the suprising cause was "too much data" in Redis. (Surprising because I'd not been paying attention and seen how popular it was, and also because ASCII text compresses pretty well).

Read/Write speed isn't a real concern, so I figured I'd move the data into an SQLite database, but that would require rewriting the application.

The client library for Perl is pretty awesome, and simple usage looks like this:

# Connect to localhost.
my $r = Redis->new()

# simple storage
$r->set( "key", "value" );

# Work with sets
$r->sadd( "fruits", "orange" );
$r->sadd( "fruits", "apple" );
$r->sadd( "fruits", "blueberry" );
$r->sadd( "fruits", "banannanananananarama" );

# Show the set-count
print "There are " . $r->scard( "fruits" ) . " known fruits";

# Pick a random one
print "Here is a random one " . $r->srandmember( "fruits" ) . "\n";

I figured, if I ignored the Lua support and the other more complex operations, creating a compatible API implementation wouldn't be too hard. So rather than porting my application to using SQLite directly I could juse use a different client-library.

In short I change this:

use Redis;
my $r = Redis->new();

To this:

use Redis::SQLite;
my $r = Redis::SQLite->new();

And everything continues to work. I've implemented all the set-related functions except one, and a random smattering of the other simple operations.

The appropriate test-cases in the Redis client library (i.e. removing all references to things I didn't implement) pass, and my own new tests also make me confident.

It's obviously not a hard job, but it was a quick solution to a real problem and might be useful to others.

My image hosting site, and my markdown sharing site now both use this wrapper and seem to be performing well - but with more free RAM.

No doubt I'll add more of the simple primitives as time goes on, but so far I've done enough to be useful.

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Keeping a simple markdown work-log, via emacs

1 November 2019 16:00

For the past few years I've been keeping a work-log of everything I do. I don't often share these, though it is sometimes interesting to be able to paste into a chat-channel "Oh on the 17th March I changed that .."

I've had a couple of different approaches but for the past few years I've mostly settled upon emacs ~/Work.md. I just create a heading for the date and I'm done:

 # 10-03-2019

 * Did a thing.
   * See this link
 * Did another thing.

 ## Misc.

 Happy Birthday to me.

As I said I've been doing this for years, but it was only last week that I decided to start making it more efficient. Since I open this file often I should bind it to a key:

(defun worklog()
  (interactive "*")
  (find-file "~/Work.MD"))

(global-set-key (kbd "C-x w") 'worklog)

This allows me to open the log by just pressing C-x w. The next step was to automate the headers. So I came up with a function which will search for today's date, adding it if missing:

(defun worklog-today()
  "Move to today's date, if it isn't found then append it"
  (interactive "*")
  (if (not (search-forward (format-time-string "# %d-%m-%Y") nil t 1))
        (insert (format-time-string "\n\n# %d-%m-%Y\n")))))

Now we use some magic to makes this function run every time I open ~/Work.md:

(defun worklog_hook ()
  (when (equalp (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) "work.md")

(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'worklog_hook)

Finally there is a useful package imenu-list which allows you to create an inline sidebar for files. Binding that to a key allows it to be toggled easily:

    (add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook
     (lambda ()
      (local-set-key (kbd "M-'") 'imenu-list-smart-toggle)

The end result is a screen that looks something like this:

If you have an interest in such things I store my emacs configuration on github, in a dotfile-repository. My init file is writting in markdown, which makes it easy to read: